Frequently Asked Questions
What’s your key objective?
Our objective is a successful, effective, comprehensive, integrated – and profitable – solution to reduce both CO2 emissions and atmospheric CO2 as soon as possible. We assess that all of the current proposed solutions to the CO2 challenge – clean energy alternatives such as solar and wind, proposals for sequestering carbon in various ways, plans to grow more trees, etc., – taken together, all such plans will take 20-30 years to bear fruit. That would be too late to avoid a catastrophic 2°C rise in average global temperatures.
What do you do?
We promote broad understanding of the potential of the Carbon Trifecta to create a sustainable, flourishing global economy. We facilitate collaboration and information-sharing among business leaders, scientists, technologists, and civic leaders to implement practical projects that will bring the Carbon Trifecta to life.
What are the risks of not taking advantage of the Carbon Trifecta?
We believe that the Carbon Trifecta is essential to halt the seemingly unstoppable march of our global economy toward climate catastrophe. We need a solution to CO2 emissions that can scale up much faster than the 20-30 years estimated for all current CO2 mitigation and clean energy solutions. The aim of the Carbon Trifecta is to convert the overabundance of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere — now for the first time over 400 parts per million — from an existential threat to a business opportunity that can lead to a sustainable global economy.
Does the CO2 to graphene process have a downside (e.g., a carbon footprint)?
No. The patented process for graphene production from carbon dioxide is based on a high-energy reaction between magnesium (Mg) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Chemically, the reaction can be stated as:
CO2 + 2Mg = Cgraphene + 2MgO
This reaction is exothermic. The magnesium oxide (MgO) can be recycled to Mg in a process identical to that used today in the production of Titanium (Ti), in which Mg from a companion Mg production plant is used to facilitate Ti production. MgO is returned to the plant and reduced to Mg for re-use in Ti production. The process is less expensive by an order of magnitude compared with alternative methods for producing graphene.
How can I get involved?
It depends on who you are. Scientists can consider ways their own research projects related to graphene, 3D printing, or Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCS) can support the vision of the Carbon Trifecta. Climate change activists can consider how to promote breakthrough collaborations with industries and policy-makers to prevent further gigatons of CO2 atmospheric emissions through Carbon Capture and Use (CCU) — and to support projects for Direct Air Capture (DAC) of CO2. Students can use the Carbon Trifecta as a lens through which to learn about the causes of and potential solutions to climate change and global economic transformation toward sustainability.
Are donations to the Carbon Trifecta tax-exempt?
The Carbon Trifecta is a non-profit corporation. We applied to the US Internal Revenue Service for recognition as a 501(c)(3) organization in February, 2017. Pending approval by the IRS, any US-based contributions to the Carbon Trifecta are tax-exempt. For more information on how you can support the Carbon Trifecta, please contact Mark Anderson —